
The Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) Program provides funding to university and college alliance-based programs that support and promote diversification of the nation’s science, 技术, 工程, 和数学(阀杆)劳动力. LSAMP计划的重点是增加 阀杆 baccalaureate and graduate degrees awarded to underrepresented minorities and growing the number of minority individuals serving 在阀杆 careers.

路易斯·斯托克斯少数民族参与联盟是一个 参与项目; it is a committed E的教育 Network来 GA在阀杆 Graduates和 E加强阀杆教育(参与) through increased e的教育 opportunity and diversification of the workforce. 参与 建立中等教育之间的网络, 社区学院, 四年的机构, and graduate programs to offer viable pathways to 阀杆 degree achievement.


澳门新葡京博彩是佛罗里达中部阀杆联盟(CSFA)的一部分。, a National Science 基金会 (NSF) partnership under the 路易斯·斯托克斯少数民族参与联盟计划(LSAMP). CFSA的目标是 扩大未被充分代表的少数民族对科学的参与, 技术, 工程, 而数学(阀杆)教育. The CFSA partners include 澳门新葡京博彩, Valencia College, and Lake Sumter State College.


Through collaboration, the CSFA expects to achieve the following outcomes:

  • Increase in the number of underrepresented minority (URM) students who choose 阀杆 fields of study at each CFSA institution.
  • Improve the persistence and graduation rates of underrepresented minority 阀杆 students at all CFSA institutions.
  • Encourage URM participants across all CFSA facilities to attain a grade point average of 2.75或以上.
  • Encourage consistent participation of faculty and students in CFSA 活动.
  • Increase the number of underrepresented minorities who earn associate degrees at CFSA institutions and transfer into 阀杆 majors at the baccalaureate level.


The CFSA has set forth the following objectives to guide alliance-wide 活动 in pursuit of its goal:

  • 社区和学生招募: 合作伙伴告知教师, 辅导员, 父母, and students in Central Florida about the LSAMP Program to increase awareness about 阀杆 careers. This includes engaging current alliance students having an interest and potential 在阀杆 studies and increasing their awareness regarding 阀杆 majors and careers. Partners also collaborate through community-based recruiting models within the alliance.
  • 桥梁项目和过渡: Partners leverage and create initiatives that assist students in the transition from high school to college, 从社区大学到授予学士学位的机构. 该项目将学生与同行导师联系起来.
  • 教师参与和包容性教学: Partner institutions facilitate faculty collaboration and alliance peer groups to share inclusive pedagogy and 指导 practices that lead to greater student success.
  • 学生研究机会、指导和培训: Partners connect students with research opportunities such that they can earn a research certificate.
  • 导师培训: The program partners provide training and resources for mentors who supervise undergraduate research projects.
  • 项目管理、沟通和机构整合: Organize and manage IINSPIRE-LSAMP team members and 活动 to achieve project goals. The alliance leverages institutional resources and partnerships and uses data to implement effective programs based on institution-specific needs.
  • 考核与评价: Partner facilities track student participation and enrollment statistics, 并利用这些数据评估整个联盟和机构的成果. These results allow for evaluative guides to inform and improve practices.

Central Florida LSAMP Program 活动 draw upon available research and resources, focusing on each individual’s transition from high school and community college to ensure that he or she has rigorous academic preparation, 还有社会支持, 研究制备, 财政支持 to complete a 阀杆 degree and continue toward graduate school. Assessing and reviewing the obstacles that face various student groups during this transition period enables the alliance to identify strategies to increase the number of students on pathways toward 阀杆 degrees. The CFSA student-experience model is defined by key learning and training 活动 that extend from program entry through associate-degree completion at a CFSA institution. 学生参加预科课程, 校园研讨会及工作坊, 辅导, 指导, 联盟会议. LSAMP Program personnel at each CFSA institution coordinate local programming. Central Florida alliance-based programming allows for collaborative regional enterprises and events. Key student-experience 活动 include 阀杆-related academic advising, 职业特定的专业发展机会, 以及职业咨询. LSAMP Program personnel strive to connect key student 活动 to existing programs at Alliance institutions in order to leverage resources and expertise.

佛罗里达州中部LSAMP与许多合作伙伴合作. These partners have a commitment to broadening participation 在阀杆 education and meeting state and national 阀杆 workforce needs. Partners support the alliance by offering various opportunities and assistance, 包括参加当地和地区的计划和活动, 支持K-12外展, 实习, 财政支持.